| - 给以很高评价, 重视 have [hold] great price of (=have [hold] in great price, have [hold] in price, put [set] high price upon, set [tell] much price by [of])
- v. 给以报酬,奖赏 guerdon
- n. 给以(一击等) with deliberate aim
- 给住房等)供应(煤气、 水等) for a house, etc (
- 给体键 donor bond
- n. 给作物喷杀虫剂的农夫 a farmer spraying his crops with pesticide
- adv. 给你. 我把你要的报纸带来了. There you are. I've brought your newspaper
- v. 给你工钱不是让你整天游手好闲, 明白吗! You're not being paid to twiddle your thumbs all day, you know
- prep. 给你施麻醉後, 你就什麽也感觉不到了. anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing
- v. 给你的狗注射疫苗以预防狂犬病. Cf 参看 immunize (immune), inoculate. have your dog vaccinated against rabies
- 给傻瓜绳子, 他就会上吊。(意指听凭傻瓜胡闹, 他就会自取灭亡) Give a fool rope enough, and he will hang himself.
- n. 给儿童讲的冒险故事 an adventure story for children
- n. 给全体销售人员传阅的商业简报. circulate a memorandum to all sales personnel
- 给公羊挤奶; 缘木求鱼; 作徒劳无益的事 milk the ram
- n. 给养, 公共饮食业 catering
- 给养车 catering truck