| - 基本通讯连接方法 basic telecommunications access method (BTAM)
- 基点方位 cardinal point
- 基点方位 cardinal points
- 基点方位正方位 cardinal point
- 基线方向 base direction
- 基线方程 base line equation
- 堆积岸堤向海方的界线 crest of beam
- n. 堆置成方, 集材, 库藏, 集居 yarding
- n. 堵塞, 封锁, 闭塞, 闭合, 粗型锻, 粗模锻, 划分采区, 在截槽内打楔子, 粘连, 屏蔽, 保护, 压檐墙, 滚炉, 装窑, 装坯, 再加工, 间苗, 分簇, 方块木胶合法, 龙骨墩, 垫块, 阻染, 中止氧化, 止碳, 旁路, 字组化, 单元化, 模块化, 组成化 blocking
- v. 塑像已挪到另一地方. The statue was removed to another site
- 塑料方块平面封装 plastic quad flat package (pqfp)
- n. 塞浦路斯岛人, 塞浦路斯岛之希腊方言 cypriote
- 塞里福斯方格细布 cerifos checks
- 填写;长丰满,长胖;变粗装满;填写;充满;占掉(地方或时间) fill out/up
- n. 增音板(装在讲台、 舞台等上方增加音响洪亮度的板或顶篷). board or canopy placed over a platform, stage, etc to direct the speaker's voice towards the audience, so enabling him to be heard more clearly
- n. 声称对(研究领域、 地方等)有特殊关联或所有权 declare a special interest in or right to (eg an area of study, a place)