  • adj.  人奢华或感官享受的   giving a feeling of luxury or sensual pleasure
  • n.  人深刻印象, 令人难忘, 令人注目   impressiveness
  • adj.  人深刻印象的, 感人的, 令人难忘的   impressive
  •   给人留下坏印象   Leave a bad taste in someone's mouth
  • adj.  人痛苦的, 苦恼的, 难受的, 使人痛苦的, 折磨人的, 带人痛苦的   afflictive
  • n.  人警告、 信息等的)信号器或信号物   any device or object placed to give people a warning, information, etc (
  • adj.  人造成很富有的假像   give a false impression of great wealth
  •   他一点颜色看看; 狠狠地收拾他; 他一枪。   Let him have it.
  • n.  给他下巴上来一拳!   Give him a sock on the jaw
  • n.  他喝一口白兰地酒有助於使他苏醒.   A sip of brandy helped to pull him round
  • v.  他家里打个电话试试.   Try phoning his home number
  • adj.  他带来极好声誉的行为.   conduct that is very creditable to him
  • v.  他打针时, 用了三个护士才把他按住.   It took three nurses to hold him down while they gave him the injection
  •   他提的那类建议简直毫无价值.   he was given proved almost worthless
  • adj.  他酒他不喝, 这事可新鲜.   It's unusual for him to refuse a drink
  •   给付定金   leave a deposit with the other party