  • n.  某人[某事物]独的)魅力, 吸引力   sth has, and which seems out of reach to others (
  • n.  某人工作、 风格等的色.   the individuality of sb's work, style, etc
  • adj.  某人或某事物)有的, 独的   characteristic of a particular person or thing (
  • n.  某人来自遗传的特徵   such characteristics in a particular person
  • n.  某人特别关心的事物   thing that is given special attention by sb
  • n.  某作家、 艺术家或某文艺时期的)独风格   manner that is typical of a particular writer, artist, etc or of a particular literary, artistic, etc period (
  • n.  某时期或某人有的)语言用法   use of language peculiar to a period or an individual (
  •   柠檬那亚伏特加酒   Limonnaya Vodka
  •   查卡特格子花布   chacart
  •   查波拉斯特羊绒细呢   chaporast
  •   查门特丝斜纹绸   charmante satin
  •   查门特斜纹绸   charmanette satin
  •   柯尔特自动手枪子弹   Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP)
  •   柯尔特自动手枪弹   ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
  •   栅极检波伏特计   grid-detection voltmeter
  •   标准伏特计   standard voltmeter