铬钼钢钢材–日工标准 G4105 62 Chrome Molybdenum steel to JIS G4105
银行公休日 bank holiday
adj. 银行星期日不办公. Banks don't open on Sundays
n. 错过假日是极大的损失. Missing the holiday was a great deprivation
镀铝(硅)钢片–日工标准 JIS G3314 Hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to JIS G 3314
镀锡薄钢片(白铁皮/马日铁)制造过程 Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate
镍铬–日工标准 G4102 63 Chrome Nickel steel to JIS G4102
镍铬钼钢–日工标准 G4103 64 Nickel, Chrome & Molybdenum Steel to JIS G4103
长日处理 treatment of long day
长日照蔬菜 long day vegetable
闰日(二月二十九日) an intercalary day
闲待着,终日无所事事 hang about
防爆型日光灯 luminescent explosion-proof lamp
阴沉的、多云的日子 a dull, cloudy day
阵亡将士纪念日(纪念在1914-1918和1939-1945两次大战中的死难者, 时间在11月11日或最临近该日的星期日). Cf 参看 Armistice Day (armistice). 11 November, on which those killed in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 are commemorated