| - adj. 没完没了的争论、 辩论、 说教等. an interminable argument, debate, sermon, etc
- adj. 没完没了的饶舌、 抱怨、 打搅 constant chattering, complaints, interruptions
- 没带雨衣那就避一下雨. Do keep out of the rain if you haven't a coat
- n. 没必要为这件小事发火! There's no need to get in a pet about it
- adj. 没必要那麽粗鲁! There's no need to be so goddam rude
- adv. 没想到, 不料, 不知不觉地, 没料到, 突然, 不知不觉间, 无意中, 意外地, 出其不意地 unawares
- adj. 没手的, 没有手的, 手笨拙的, 赤手空拳的, 笨手笨脚的 handless
- adj. 没投票的, 弃权的, 未被纳入调查对象的, 未记名的, 未登记的, 未作过民意测验的, 尚未投票的 unpolled
- 没拿到应得的钱, 被拖欠 lie out of one's money
- v. 没提到她的贡献. There was no mention of her contribution
- n. 没收, 充公, 徵发, 征用 confiscation
- vt. 没收, 征用, 让渡, 把...据为己有, 侵占, 剥夺...的所有权, 剥夺 expropriate
- vt. 没收, 把...充公, 征用-cation, 征用, 充公, 查抄 confiscate
- v. 没收,丧失 forfeit
- n. 没收,充公,徵发 confiscator
- v. 没收,充公,查抄 confiscate