| - adj. 指男子)阳痿的, 不能性交的, 不能达到性高潮的. unable to have sexual intercourse or reach an orgasm (
- adj. 指目标、 思想等)高尚的, 崇高的, 有道德的 morally good; noble; virtuous (
- n. 指示器, 指示剂, 指示者, 指示物, 指针, 示高计, 指压器, 示功器, 显示器, 目视仪, 示踪剂, 示踪原子, 指示计, 转速表, 指示针, 方向灯, 指标, 经济指标, 指示剂 indicator
- 指示式热电偶高温计 indicating thermocouple pyrometer
- 指示式电阻高温计 indicating resistance pyrometer
- 指示浪高 significant ware height
- adj. 指竞赛、 游戏等)参赛者几乎平手的, 势均力敌的, 棋逢对手的, 旗鼓相当的, 难分高下的 in which the competitors are almost equal (
- adj. 指竞赛者、 表演者或技艺)技术高明的, 令人赞叹的. very skilful or impressive (
- n. 指翘起上唇嗤笑, 流露出高人一等的或轻蔑的神情 Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace. 试比较smirk、 sneer、 frown、 scowl、 grimace这几个词. These verbs indicate people twisting their faces to express various, usually negative, attitudes. 这几个动词表达的是面部的各种表情, 通常都表示有不好的含义. People smirk when they smile in a silly way to show that they are pleased with themselves, usually at the expense of somebody else. *smirk指自鸣得意地傻笑, 通常含幸灾乐祸之意. When we sneer, we curl our upper lip to express a superior or contemptuous attitude to other people *sneer
- adj. 指衣著等)考究入时, 高雅. carefully and fashionably arranged; elegant (
- adj. 指要求、 价格)过大的, 过高的, 过多的, 过分的 much too great or high; excessive (
- adj. 指谈判等)高层次的, 高级别的 involving very senior people (
- 指针式高温计 needle pyrometer
- adj. 指锅炉、 高炉等)燃油的 burning oil as fuel (
- n. 指飞行器)定高盘旋(以等待降落). while waiting to land (
- adj. 指饮料)酒精含量高的 containing much alcohol (