Chinese English Phrase:
  •   遥测日照监测器   remote sunfall monitor
  • n.  遮阳布, 遮日光的布   havelock
  • n.  遵守, 仪式, 惯例, 奉行, 典礼, 纪念, 习惯, 恭敬, 教规, 注意, 观察, (法律、习俗等的)遵守, (对节的)纪念, 庆祝, 宗教仪式   observance
  • n.  那个好事的家伙偷看我的记, 让我给抓个正著.   I caught that Nosey Parker reading my diary
  • v.  那个日子她永志不忘.   The date is stamped on her memory forever
  • n.  那个聚会落得一场空, 因为请帖上的期弄错了.   The party was a total fiasco because the wrong date was given on the invitations
  •   那些日子; 那个时代   those days
  •   那出戏, 一度似乎相当时新, 如今已成明黄花.   The play, which once seemed so modern, has become a period piece
  • indef det  那是我经历过的最使人兴奋的假.   It was the most exciting holiday I've ever had
  • n.  那是过去的幸福、 美好等的子   He says he'll do the washing-up.' `That'll be the day!' `他说他要洗碗.'`没那麽回事!' `these days nowadays 如今; 当今. ,this day `fortnight a fortnight from today 两星期後的今天. ,this day `week a week from today 一星期後的今天. `those were the days that was a happier, better, etc time
  •   那正是值得期待的子。   That will be the day.
  • n.  那部书对古罗马人的常生活描写得很生动.   The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient Rome
  •   邮件截止, 邮船开船   packet day
  • adj.  邮寄的申请书须於12月12以前寄达.   Postal applications must be received by 12 December
  • n.  酒, 葡萄收获, 葡萄酒产量, 美酒, 一批产品, 同期产生的人物, 制造的时期, 开始存在的时期, 年龄, 寿命, 葡萄收获季节, (葡萄酒)酿造的年月, 制造年期, 葡萄收获期   vintage
  •   采样日期   date collected