| - adj. 指声音)尖利的, 高音调的 at or near the top of the musical scale; not deep or low (
- adj. 指声音)音调高 at or to a high pitch (
- adj. 指婚姻)贵贱联姻的(地位高的子弟, 如王子, 娶地位低的女子, 女方须保持其平民身分, 子女亦不得继承父亲的财产或头衔). and a woman of lower rank who keeps her lower status, the children having no claim to the property, titles, etc of their father (
- adj. 指学校)高年级的(学生年龄在11岁以上的). Cf 参看 junior. for children over the age of 11 (
- adj. 指家庭)门弟高的, 上层阶级的 with good social position (
- adj. 指工资或价格)够高的 high enough to pay the worker or seller adequately (
- adj. 指建筑物)高层的 very tall, with many storeys (
- adj. 指思想、 目标等)高尚的, 崇高的 noble; exalted (
- adj. 指思想等)缜密而纯正的, 清高的 subtle and refined; lofty and exclusive (
- adj. 指挥的, 威风凛凛的, 眺望无阻的, 有权威的, 给人深刻印象的, 占有险要地位的, 居高临下的, 发号施令的 commanding
- adj. 指权力)无限的, 至高无上的 without limit; highest (
- adj. 指汽油)高辛烷值的, 优质的. having a high percentage of a certain octane and thus of good quality (
- n. 指河水等)高涨 flowing strongly at a much higher level than normal (
- n. 指潮汐)上涨或处最高点 at or towards its highest point on land (
- adj. 指物)高的 extending far upwards; having a relatively big distance from the base to the top (
- v. 指狗、 人等)发出长而高音的或微弱的哭声或叫声, (尤指因恐惧或痛苦)呜咽, 啜泣. whine or cry softly, esp with fear or pain (