| - 战败; 遭受挫败 sustain a defeat
- n. 所有调解的建议均遭拒绝. All offers of mediation were rejected
- v. 执政党很快就尝到了遭受政治讽刺的滋味. The party in power soon learns what it's like to be on the receiving end of political satire
- vt. 折磨, 困扰, 麻烦, 使染瘟疫, 使遭受灾祸, 使苦恼, 使得灾祸 plague
- v. 报告中展示的调查结果使抗议者的要求遭到了怀疑. The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims
- 报纸报道等中描写个人的遭遇、 感情等的)人情世故. aspect of a newspaper story, etc that interests people because it describes the experiences, feelings, etc of individuals (
- n. 拒绝, 被弃, 被抛弃的实例, 抵制, 抑制, 排斥, 抛弃, 退回, 废弃, 否定, 否决, 驳回, 阻碍, 干扰, 障碍, 衰减, 闭塞, 截止, 遭拒绝的东西, 呕出物, 排出物, 排异作用 rejection
- vt. 招致, 承受, 遭遇, 惹起 incur
- v. 招致, 蒙受, 遭遇 incur
- 挫败; 使...遭受失败 inflict a defeat on (upon)
- vt. 捉住, 捕获, 赶上, 着火, 烧, 领悟, 听清, 了解, 理会, 碰见, 发觉, 打中, 击中, 引起, 使迷住, 突然中止, 遭受, 打盹, 看一眼, 梗塞住, 制动, 感染, 传染上, 抽, 欺骗, 使进退两难, 使害怕, 挂着, 绊着, 挡住, 接球 catch
- 损害自已的名誉; 使自已遭受损失; 吃亏 singe one's wings
- v. 援救一男子使之免遭溺毙、 攻击、 破产 rescue a man from drowning, attack, bankruptcy
- adv. 摔下来的骑手遭飞奔马群践踏. Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses
- vt. 支撑, 撑住, 承受住, 供养, 维持, 继续加强, 进行下去, 蒙受, 遭受, 忍受, 经受住, 证实, 证明, 确认, 认可, 准许, 恰当地扮演, 抵挡, 承受, 忍耐(困难), 经得住, 继续, 加强, 保持强壮, 支持, 持续 sustain
- vt. 收到, 接到, 领受, 接受, 容纳, 承受, 遭受, 负担, 顶住, 抵挡, 招待, 欢迎, 收藏, 接, 接收, 遭到, 受到, 接待, 接见 receive