| - 综合传感器 integrated sensor
- 综合位置指示器 integrated position indicator
- 综合保险单 comprehensive policy
- 综合保险(机动车辆的多种保险, 包括火险、 盗窃险、 毁坏险和司机及第三者事故保险等). insurance on motor vehicles that covers most risks, including fire, theft, damage and risks to the driver and others
- 综合光谱分析仪 integrated optic spectrum analyzer
- 综合分区 comprehensive sub-areas
- 综合分析判断 comprehensive analysis and judgement
- 综合分辨率 synthetic resolution
- 综合化学疗法 polychemotherapy
- 综合启动器 combined starter
- 综合品种 synthetic variety
- adv. 综合地, 合成地 synthetically
- n. 综合大学, 大型综合性大学, 巨型大学, 多科大学 multiversity
- 综合存储处理机 integrated memory processor
- 综合宽带通信系统 Integrated Broad-Band Communication System
- 综合导纳 complex admittance