  • n.  牛肉, 肉, 肉羹, 一种细菌培养基, 清   bouillon
  •   牛蹄筋汤罐头   canned beef tendon soup
  •   猪肚腐竹汤   pork stomach soup with dried bean curd skim
  •   玻汤姆粒子   bottom particle
  •   用小牛头等肉做的)仿甲鱼.   soup made from calf's head or other meat to resemble turtle soup (
  •   用热汤洗   scald
  • n.  用秋葵荚做的)浓汤.   thick soup made with the vegetable okra (
  • n.  用蔬菜与鱼烹调的)浓或杂烩   thick soup or stew made with vegetables and fish (
  • vt.  用辛辣的调味来煮、烤等, 困扰, 纠缠   devil
  • n.  用骨头、 肉、 鱼、 蔬菜等炖成的)汁, 高   liquid made by stewing bones, meat, fish, vegetables, etc in water, used as a basis for soups, gravy, etc (
  •   甲鱼汤盅   turtle soup bowl
  •   甲鱼汤罐头   canned soft-shelled turtle soup
  • abbr.  皇家海军陆战队上尉姆·普伦.   Capt Tom Pullen RM
  •   盛汁汤碗   gravy tureen
  • n.  盛、 菜等的)有盖海碗.   deep dish with a lid from which soup, vegetables, etc are served at table (
  • adj.  稀、 稀汁炖肉、 稀肉汁.   thin soup, stew, gravy, etc