  • adj.  他患溃疡, 只能无刺激性的食物.   He eats only bland food because of his ulcer
  • n.  他有边饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯.   He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals
  • n.  他狼吞虎咽地大火腿.   He tucked into the ham hungrily
  • v.  他用后了我的象(下国际象棋).   He took my bishop with his queen, ie in a game of chess
  • v.  他病重得不能东西了.   He was too ill to eat
  • n.  他真是贪吃的大肚汉.   He's a real greedy guts
  • v.  他突然出现使我大一惊.   I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance
  •   他突然睁大了眼睛(因惊等).   His eyes almost startedout of his head, ie suddenly opened wide (in surprise, etc).
  •   他竟然这样对你说话, 实在让人惊.   That he should speak to you like that is quite astonishing
  • v.  他要是总这样拚命干下去是不消的.   Unless he stops driving himself like this he'll have a breakdown
  • adj.  他说自己反正不想娶她, 那不过是不到葡萄反而说葡萄酸罢了.   He says he didn't want to marry her anyway, but that's just sour grapes
  • v.  他那样粗鲁无礼使我大一惊.   I was taken aback by his rudeness
  • v.  他靠吃米饭和水过活.   He exists on rice and water, ie by eating rice and water
  •   付出了代价才..., 亏后才...   to one's cost
  •   令...非常吃惊的是   to the surprise of
  • adj.  令人厌倦的, 讨厌的, 使人疲倦的, 力的, 令人厌烦的, 索然无味的, 无聊的, 烦人的   tiresome