| - v. 桥牌中)先发制人叫牌(尽管牌不好也仍叫得很高以阻止对方叫牌). make a high opening bid despite having poor cards, in order to prevent further bidding (
- n. 植物人(因伤、 病或异常情况而丧失思维能力但仍有生命的人) person who is physically alive but mentally inactive because of injury, illness or abnormality
- adj. 此方案仍在酝酿阶段. The scheme is still in its embryonic stage
- n. 比赛中向某人让分而仍获胜 offer sb advantages and still win
- adj. 污染现象仍然是当前的大问题. Pollution is still very much a live issue
- n. 汽车虽然受到多次碰撞, 但仍能开. The car's been knocked about a bit, but it still goes
- adj. 没有日期的, 无期限的, 年代不详的, 虽旧仍好的 dateless
- n. 法庭对此案仍需做出判决. in this case
- adj. 活着的, 活的, 在世的, 活泼的, 活跃的, 热闹的, 充满着...的, 敏感的, 注意到的, 继续活动的, 继续有效的, 运行中的, 作用着的, 通有电流的, 带电的, 加有电压的, 仍然存在的, 仍然进行着的 alive
- adv. 然而, 虽然如此, 无论如何, 不管怎样, 可是, 仍然, 究竟, 另一方面, 不论到什么程度, 不过, 究竟 however
- n. 煤渣, 炭渣, 炉渣等(不再燃烧但仍可能有余热). small piece of partly burnt coal, wood, etc that is no longer burning but may still be hot
- 物价仍在上涨. Prices are still going up, ie rising
- adj. 物价仍在急剧上涨. Prices are still spiralling, ie increasing rapidly
- n. 物价仍有上涨趋势. The trend of prices is still upwards
- adv. 特别逼真地,仍在眼前的 eidetically
- n. 犹太教信徒, 尊崇犹太教风俗的人, 犹太教徒, 早期基督教会中已改信基督教但仍保持犹太仪节的人 judaist