  •   (辩论中)转而支持对方   cross the floor
  •   (远距离通讯的)模拟传输   analogue transmission
  •   (透入皮肤, 毒性剧烈的)神经错乱性毒气, 毒性毒气, 神经毒气   nerve gas
  •   (通路间分快慢车道的)交通岛   traffic island
  •   (配合陆、海军作战的)空掩护; 空掩护机群   air umbrella [cover]
  •   (雏鸟)尚未孵出; 在萌芽时期; 在酝酿   in the shell
  •   (飞行由母机携带或发射的)子机   parasite aeroplane [plane]
  •   (魔术)仅靠灯光造成的幻觉   a mere trick of the light
  •   (鸟等)在空中飞翔   wing the air
  • n.  )到林中去散步.   go for a walk in the wood(s
  •   *39%的招聘经理说,能否与应聘者产生“化学反应”在其招聘决策占有一半的作用   39% say "chemistry" with a job applicant accounts for half of their hiring decision
  • n.  , 但用法较庄重, 常见於文件、 申请表格等.   is, in English-speaking countries, the name given to you by your parents at birth. 在说英语的国家first name(美语常作given name)是名字, 是出生时父母给取的. The name common to your family is your family name or, more usually, surname. 姓是family name, 多作surname. *In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name. 在基督教国家, 常以教名(Christian name)为名(first name). *Forename, also meaning first name, is formal and is often found on documents, application forms, etc. *forename也是first name
  •   , 并赋以单数的性含义, 尤用於口语   Did anybody hurt himself? 有人受伤了吗? Many people today consider this shows sexual bias and try to avoid it. 如今很多人认为这种用法有性别偏见之嫌, 因而尽量加以避免. The preferred way, especially in speech, is to use they, them or their with a singular neutral meaning 较为可取的方法是使用they、 them或their
  • n.  , 是为了引起他人注意或因为可能打扰他人, 如打断别人谈话、 在人群推挤别人、 不同意别人的意见   her 我们说Excuse me
  • n.  , 讲坛, 论坛, 论坛报, 看台, (大教堂的)主教席, (教堂东侧的)半圆形后殿, 护民官, 民众领袖   tribune
  • n.  ...商, ...贩, ...商人, ...贩子, 专事...的人, 商人, 贩子, 专门散布…的人, 间人   monger