| - adj. 指人)无高尚心灵的, 无深厚感情的. without higher or deeper feelings (
- adj. 指人)细长难看的, 又高又瘦的 ungracefully tall and thin (
- adj. 指人)自高自大的, 自负的. self-important; pompous (
- adj. 指人)身高体壮的. big and strong (
- n. 指人)高声谈笑 laugh or chatter noisily (
- adj. 指价格、 索价等)过高的, 过分的, 不合理的 much too high or great; unreasonable (
- adj. 指价格、 费用等)不公道的, 高得出奇的 unfairly or ridiculously high (
- adj. 指价格或要求)过高的, 不合理的, 过分的 too much; unreasonable; excessive (
- adj. 指价格等)高得买不起的 so high that one cannot afford to buy (
- adj. 指价格)人为抬高的, 因通货膨胀而上涨的. raised artificially or as a result of financial inflation (
- adj. 指价格)(太)高 high (
- adj. 指动作)在距离地面相当高处进行的或达到相当高度的 performed at or reaching a considerable distance above ground (
- adj. 指变速器)高挡的 allowing greater speed of a vehicle in relation to its engine speed (
- adj. 指商品、 服务等)高级的, 高档的. Cf 参看 down-market. designed to appeal to or satisfy people in the upper social classes (
- adj. 指嗓音)洪亮的, 高亢的 dignified; grand (
- adj. 指声响、 嗓音等)高声调的, 尖锐的, 刺耳的 high-pitched; piercing; sharp (