| - n. 这张支票上没有日期. There's no date on this cheque
- adj. 这张支票是在3月21日兑现的. The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March
- v. 这是我两年来的第一个假日, 所以要好好利用一下. It's my first holiday for two years so I'm going to make the most of it
- adv. 这是我特意为你生日而做的. I made this specially for your birthday
- adj. 这次假日别开生面, 我们都感到新奇. refreshingly adv The holiday was a refreshing change for us.
- n. 这种严重罪行今日是不能容忍的. Such enormities would not be tolerated today
- adj. 这种蝙蝠与大多数蝙蝠不同, 是在日间活动的. Unlike most other bats, this species is diurnal
- 这许多天来, 这段日子里 this many a day
- 进坞日期 date on dock
- 进船坞日期 date on dock
- 进船坞日期进坞日期 date on dock
- 远东(中国、 日本及东亚与东南亚其他国家). China, Japan and other countries of E and SE Asia
- n. 远核点, 远日点, 远日点 aphelion
- 远镜日光器 telescopic heliotrope
- 连续日 consecutive days
- 连续日 running days