| - vt. 载入日记, 载入日记簿 journalize
- 过去的好[坏]日子 worse than the present
- n. 过度曝光, 日晒, 曝, 曝光过度作用, 强光照射下树叶中淀粉的积聚所受到的抑制, 玻璃曝光过度引起透光能力的改变, 日晒, 负感作用, 反感作用 solarization
- 过日子, 过活 get along
- adj. 过苦日子(经受艰难, 不幸等) have a hard time, ie experience difficulties, misfortunes, etc
- 近日, 不日; 总有一天 one of these(fine) days
- n. 近日点, 极点, 最高点, 近日点(行星轨道最靠近太阳的点), 近日点 perihelion
- n. 近日点(行星、 彗星等轨道上距太阳最近的点). point in the orbit of a planet, comet, etc at which it is nearest to the sun
- adj. 这一天是我的、 你的...幸运日子. It's my, your, etc lucky day, ie one on which I am, you are, etc having good fortune
- n. 这一词缀用於很多词中(如chairman主席), 所指的职位和职务今日男女均可充任. To avoid sexual bias and unnecessary repetition (chairman or chairwoman) -person can be used 为免除性别偏颇和不必要的重复(chairman or chairwoman), 可用-person这一词缀 to indicate positions and occupations which today are filled by both women and men. *-man
- n. 这个办事处星期六和星期日不办公. The office is closed at the weekend
- adj. 这个商店星期日休息. The shop isn't open on Sundays
- v. 这台机器日夜运转. This machine operates night and day
- adj. 这场雨把我们的假日完全毁了. The rain turned our holiday into a veritable disaster
- n. 这家商店日进斗金. This shop is a regular gold-mine
- 这并非饥饿儿童的唯一事例, 很多类似报道无日无之. This isn't the only story of starving children. Many such cases are reported every day