| - n. 肯特郡是英格兰的肥田沃地. Kent is the garden of England
- 胰脏体部分切除术-脾脏保留補英文胰瘘切除术 Pencreatic fistulectomy
- 胰脏尾端部分切除术-脾脏保留補英文胰脏体部分切除术 Body partial pancreatectomy
- v. 能借我5英镑吗, 周末还你? five pounds until the weekend?
- n. 能说某种外国语的英国商人仍可算是新奇人物. A British businessman who can speak a foreign language is still something of a novelty
- n. 脉斑岩, 脉斑岩之大岩脉, 淡英斑岩 elvan
- 腐殖质铝英土 humic allophane soil
- n. 自付500英镑保证金获得保释 bail in one's own recognizance of 500
- n. 自动旋翼机, 转帐清算服务, (英国邮政局的)邮政转账服务 giro
- 自动返回石英唱盘 auto-return quartz turntable
- n. 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5英镑. The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour
- v. 自行车出租, 每小时1英镑 an hour
- n. 自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多英里. A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day
- adj. 自费病人(英国不享受国民保健署资助者) not on the National Health Service
- 臭氧层(距地球表面20-40英里, 为同温层的外缘) ozone layer
- n. 至10世纪的)北欧海盗(斯堪的那维亚武士, 活动於北欧与西欧部分地区, 包括英国) Scandinavian warrior and pirate who settled in parts of N and W Europe, including Britain (8