| - v. 将(房子、 地方等)翻修和装饰(以适合中产阶级的人居住). to make it suitable for middle-class residents
- 将(未满的容器)装满 up fill up (a partly empty container)
- v. 将(机器的部件)安装到相互间正确的位置上 into the correct position in relation to each other
- n. 将(某物)包装(如为出售) in a package, eg for selling
- v. 将(某物)封边(加固或作装饰) in order to strengthen it or as a decoration
- v. 将(某物)装入桶中. in a barrel or barrels
- n. 将(某物)装入盒或箱中 into a box
- n. 将(某物)装入袋内 into a pouch; pocket
- v. 将(某物)装得过满或过重 too full or too heavily
- n. 将(熟的肉或鱼)装入罐内保存 in a pot in order to preserve it
- n. 将(食物)装入密封罐中保存 by putting it in a sealed can
- 小件封装消毒设备 small package sealing sterilizing facilities
- 小包装人参 ginseng in small packing
- 小包装红茶 black tea in packet
- 小包装绿茶 green tea in packet
- 小包装茶 small packet tea