  • n.  用真吸尘器吸乾净(地毯等)   with a vacuum cleaner
  • vt.  用真吸尘器把…弄清洁   hoover
  • n.  用话)拉长, 充斥(书、 文章、 讲话等)   longer by adding unnecessary material (
  • n.  用篙撑船的人, 船夫, 踢悬球的人, 顾客, 嫖客   punter
  • n.  用绞车把滑翔机拉起升   winch a glider off the ground, ie pull it along by means of a winch until it rises into the air
  • adj.  用足尖、 在半中...保持平衡   poised on tiptoe, in mid-air, etc
  • vt.  用铅包, 加铅, 加铅, 加铅条, 领导, 引导, 致使   lead
  • n.  田间小路,村边空地   loaning
  • n.  由气[水]传播的传染病. Cf 参看 contagion.   a waterborne infection
  •   甲板空间   tween deck
  • n.  电动车辆与架电缆接触的)触轮或其他设备.   small wheel or other device making contact between an electrically powered vehicle and an overhead cable (
  •   电子真空膨胀计   electronic vacuum dilatometer
  •   电弧真空脱碳法   vacuum arc decarburization process
  •   电弧真空脱碳法   vad process
  •   电弧空气气削   arc air gouging
  • adj.  电影院空著一半.   The cinema was half empty