  • v.  玷污, 損害(名譽等)   stain or blemish (a reputation, etc)
  • v.  玷污, 敗壞(某人的聲等)   ; blemish
  • v.  玷污某人的聲、 榮譽等.   sully sb's name, honour, etc
  • v.  玷污(某人或某人的譽)(如說某人行為不端)   , eg by suggesting they have acted immorally
  •   珊瑚(櫻桃品種名)   May D-
  • n.  班傑民, 貝加明延令草, 本傑明(男子)   benjamin
  • v.  球射中一後衛後反彈進網.   The ball hit one of the defenders and was deflected into the net
  • n.  理查, 理查德, 理查德(男子)   richard
  • n.  琳達(女子名)   linda
  • n.  瓊, 瓊(女子名)   joan
  •   生藥拉丁名   Latin name of crude drug
  •   用...字(指化, 假, 筆等)   under the name (of)
  •   用以代替想不起來的字)   n (used instead of a name that one cannot remember
  •   用以復指前文的詞或內容)   (used to refer back to the preceding n or statement
  • n.  用以引出某人姓名)   . 12 (used to introduce the name of a particular person
  • suff.  用以構成不可數名詞)   meaninglessly. -lessness (forming uncountable ns