| - v. 出了事只能怪她自己. She only has herself to thank for what happened
- n. 出了事故以後, 交通陷於停顿. Traffic was brought to a standstill by the accident
- 出了什么事? 怎么一回事? What dog is a-hanging?
- 出了什么事? 怎么一回事? Whose dog is dead?
- adj. 出了名有利也有弊. Publicity is a ,two-edged `weapon
- prep. 出了这一事故并非我的过错. The accident happened through no fault of mine
- adv. 出了这件事我很不痛快, 实际上是愤怒已极. I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened
- v. 出事以後, 她的左腿失去了知觉. After the accident, she couldn't feel anything in her left leg, ie it was numb
- n. 出事以後, 那辆汽车完全报废了. After the accident, the car was a complete write-off
- adj. 出事後他的左腿瘸了. The accident made him lame in the left leg
- 出于, 来自, 发生于 proceed from
- 出于习俗, 按照惯例 by convention
- 出于仁慈, 出于好意 out of kindness
- 出于偶然的考虑。 incidental consideration
- 出于对...的考虑; 体谅 out of consideration for
- 出于对...的重视, 出于对...的考虑 out of regard for