| - 中断触发器 interrupt flip-flop
- 中断触发器 interrupt trigger
- 中断顺序 break sequence
- 中断(与某国的)外交关系 break off diplomatic relations (with a country)
- 中日友好四项原则:和平友好,平等互利,互相信赖,长期稳定 The four principles of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, mutual trust, and long-term stability
- 中日照蔬菜 day neutral vegetable
- 中旱生植物 mesoxerophytes
- 中晚熟种 middle lately ripening variety
- n. 中暑, 日射病, 日射病(亦作heatstroke), 日射病 sunstroke
- 中暑[着凉] be affected by heat [cold]
- 中暑性痛痉 heat cramp
- 中朝鸭绿江、图们江航运合作委员会 Cooperative Committee of Shipping in Yalu River and Tumen River of China and Korea
- adj. 中期, 转位期 metaphase
- n. 中期,转位期 metaphase
- 中期人口普查 by-census
- 中期保险 MTI medium-term insurance