| - conj. 我能不能得到那份工作都一样高兴). if I get the job or not
- adj. 我能够帮上忙感到很高兴. I was very pleased to be able to help
- n. 我能有机会向老师们表示感谢, 我觉得十分高兴. I'm happy to acknowledge my debt to my teachers
- indef det 我能给大家介绍我们的演讲人, 感到非常高兴. I have much pleasure in introducing our speaker
- adj. 我要回到家里就非常高兴. I shall be only too pleased to get home
- n. 我认为她可以算是世界上第一流的女高音. I would place her among the world's greatest sopranos
- adj. 我认为对他的工作评价实在太高了. I think his work is extremely overrated
- n. 我认为那个会计师收费很高. I thought the accountant's fee rather high
- v. 我过高估计了我们周末的用奶量. I overestimated the amount of milk we'd need for the weekend
- n. 我遇上了高峰时刻的车辆, 寸步难行. I got caught in the rush-hour traffic
- 我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地. Our troops took up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river
- 户内高压隔离开关 indoor high-voltage isolating switch
- 户外高压变压器 outdoor high voltage transformer
- 户外高压断路器 outdoor high voltage circuit breaker
- vt. vi. 房价谈妥后又抬价改售给, 口头成交后加码索价, 向...索高价, 欺诈 gazump
- n. 房子的四周有高墙. The house was surrounded by high walls