| - 我们在供应最高级罐装鱼方面具有竞争性的价格和及时的交货期的优势 We are in a very good position to supply most grades of canned fish at competitive prices and for good delivery
- v. 我们在兰开斯特转弯离开了高速公路. We turned off the motorway at Lancaster
- adj. 我们在聚会时玩得高兴极了. time at the party
- n. 我们在高速公路上行驶时汽油用完了. We ran out of juice on the motorway
- adj. 我们应该努力提高效率. Our efforts should be directed towards greater efficiency
- n. 我们必须提高产量以满足需求. We must increase our output to meet demand
- v. 我们必须精简生产程序以提高效率. We must streamline our production procedures
- n. 我们感到高兴的是天气转晴了. To our great delight, the day turned out fine
- n. 我们把程度高的学生都编在一个班里. We've lumped all the advanced students into a single class
- v. 我们的投资项目利润回报很高. Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest
- v. 我们的电费已经高得付不起了--得节省些了. Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize
- adj. 我们老师不公正, 总是给他喜欢的学生高分数. he always gives the highest marks to his favourites
- adj. 我们能有机会表示谢意十分高兴. We welcome the opportunity to express our gratitude
- n. 我们节目的收视率提高了. Our show has gone up in the ratings
- n. 我们记录的读数远远高於平均数. The readings we took were well above average
- n. 我们需要从消费者那里多得到些反馈信息以提高产品质量. We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods