| - n. 社会的)英才, 精英, 贤能. such people in a society (
- 社会自由民主党(英国政党, 由社会民主党与自由党於1988年合并成立). formed in 1988 from the merging of the Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Party
- 祖籍英国的加拿大人, 说英语的加拿大人 English Canadian
- conj. 离海滨不到一英里. It's less than a mile to the beach
- 离海滨有两英里远. It's two miles to the beach
- adj. 离车站至少三英里. It's a good three miles to the station
- n. 种植一百英亩用材林. put a hundred acres of land under timber, ie plant it with trees
- n. 租金每历月300英镑. The rent is £300 per calendar month
- n. 移民到新英格兰的英国清教徒. the Puritan settlers in New England
- n. 税务局长(负责英国税务的) the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ie those who are in charge of tax collection in Britain
- 空军联队指挥官;[英]空军中校 wing commander
- 空号; [英](街道等的)末号 a dead number
- 空心石英纤维 hollow quartz fiber
- 突变型硬包层石英光纤 step index hard-clad silica fiber
- adj. 窃贼偷走了价值100万英镑的珠宝. million worth of jewellery
- 立方英寸 cu. in. cubic inch