| - 消费物价指数的权数模式 weighting system of the Consumer Price Index
- adj. 消费的, 浪费的, 消耗性的, 痨[结核]病的, 患肺结核的 consumptive
- 消费税申报单 consumption entry
- n. 消费者, 用户, 用电设备, 消耗装置, 消费有机体 consumer
- 消费者产品安全委员会 CPSC
- 消费者产品安全委员会 Consumer Product Safety Commission
- 消费者信贷业务 consumer credit financing operation
- n. 消费者利益的保护(运动). protection of consumers' interests
- 消费者口味 Consumer taste
- 消费者态度的变化 change in consumer attitudes
- 消费者数字订阅线路 consumer digital subscriber line (cdsl)
- 消费者渴望 aspirations of consumers
- 消费者电子制造业协会 consumer electronics manufacturing association (cema)
- n. 消费者的权利、 保障等. Cf 参看 producer. consumer rights, protection, etc
- 消费者集体诉讼基金 Consumer Representative Action Fund
- 消费膨胀 inflated consumption