Chinese English Phrase:
  •   签牌(将一副面朝下的纸牌拿起部分并翻过来, 以决定发牌人或与搭档等)   cut the cards
  •   继邱吉尔出任(首相)的是?   Who succeeded Churchill (as Prime Minister)?
  • v.  老师警告他们说要不守规矩就罚.   The teacher warned them that she would punish anyone who stepped out of line
  • adv.  聚会上还有谁?   Who else was at the party?
  • n.  背靠背站好, 看看的个子高. ,   Stand back to back and let's see who's taller
  • n.  背靠背站好, 看看的个子高. ,   Stand back to back and let's see who's taller.
  • conj.  若非要说出像不可来, 我倒认为他略微像他父亲.   I'd say he was more like his father, if anything
  • n.  表明或证明真正勇敢、 有技巧、 有才能等   sort out the ,men from the `boys show or prove which people are truly brave, skilful, competent, etc
  • v.  要预测出将获胜是不可能的.   It is impossible to predict who will win
  •   警方怀疑(作的案)?   Who do the police suspect (of the crime)?
  • v.  该谁了?   Whose go is it?
  • v.  该谁发球了?   Whose serve is it? ie Whose turn is it to serve?
  •   该谁发(牌)了?   Whose turn is it to deal (the cards)?
  • int.  谁,口令   quivive
  • n.  也不会因老史密斯不在而感到遗憾.   Old Smith won't be missed, eg when he is away, retires, dies, etc
  • conj.  谁也不如你了解情况.   Nobody understands the situation betterthan you