  • v.  你虑的时间够长的了, 该作决定了.   You have pondered long enough; it is time to decide
  • adj.  你肯定不会指望我认真虑你那些荒谬的建议吧?   Surely you don't expect me to take your potty suggestions seriously?
  • v.  你若想试及格, 就必须更加努力.   You'll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam
  • conj.  你若用功, 试就能及格.   you will pass your examinations
  •   你要上那所学校得通过一次特别的试.   have to pass a special exam to get into the school
  • n.  你要不努力, 试就不会及格.'`倒霉是我自己的事, 跟你没关系.'   You're going to fail your exams if you don't work hard.' `That's my funeral, not yours.' `
  • n.  你要先把一切虑好再做决定.   Think things over before you decide
  • conj.  你要是不再加把劲儿, 法语就不及格了.   You'll fail in French unless you work harder
  •   你要是决定把汽车卖掉, 我希望你先让我虑要不要, 我不要你再卖给别人.   first refusal
  • adv.  你驾驶试既已合格, 就可以独自开车了.   Now you've passed your test you can drive on your own
  • adj.  使人筋疲力竭的攀登、 竞赛、 审讯、 验等.   a gruelling climb, race, trial, ordeal, etc
  • n.  使某事物)被讨论, 被虑   be discussed or considered as a matter of importance (
  •   使某人密切注意[慎重虑]   direct sb.'s attention to
  • v.  使某人急切地、 认真地虑某事   one's `mind make sb consider sth urgently and seriously
  • n.  使某人经受验或磨链.   be made to endure a test or an ordeal
  •   使某人经受(苦难、 验等)   cause sb to undergo (an ordeal, a test, etc)