| - n. 他用肘开路, 从人群中挤出. He elbowed his way through the crowd
- n. 他能言善辩, 很快就鼓动起人群向他的对手们大喝倒彩. His oratory soon had the crowd booing his opponents
- n. 他能言善辩打动了群众. The crowd were swayed by his eloquence
- adj. 他衣冠楚楚, 在俱乐部中如鹤立鸡群. His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club
- n. 代表大会, 国会, 议会, 男女性交, (代表)大会, 会议, 国会会期, 美国国会, 集会, 社交, 协会, 委员会, 联合会, 群, 代表会议, 国际性集会, (某些国家的)立法机关, (美国)国会, 大会, 国会 congress
- n. 令她超群出众的特殊品质 special qualities which mark her out from the multitude
- n. 以高压手段[铁腕]统治(人群、 国家等). very harshly
- n. 任何的)群, 堆, 组, 团, 串 number of people, animals or things grouped closely together (
- adj. 仿生学的, 超群的, 有神奇力量的, 利用仿生学的 bionic
- 伊诺加群 Inogatran
- 伏都教(西印度群岛黑人中的宗教, 崇奉巫术及魔法, 尤指海地的). n [U] form of religion based on belief in witchcraft and magical rites, practised by blacks in the W Indies, esp in Haiti
- adj. 优秀的, 超群的, 卓越的, 杰出的, 显著的, 出类拔萃的 preeminent
- v. 会上群情激奋. Tempers flared at the conference
- n. 会上群情鼎沸. Passions were running high at the meeting, ie people were in an angry or emotional state
- n. 低岛, 暗礁, 珊瑚礁(尤指西印度群岛和美国佛罗里达州海岸处). low island or reef, esp in the W Indies and off the coast of Florida
- n. 住在同一地方有相同职业、 兴趣等的人群 group of people with the same occupation, interest, etc living together in the same place