| - v. 今天下午我把孩子托付给你, 你不介意吧? Cf 参看 off-load. Do you mind if I unload the children onto you this afternoon?
- n. 今天付款到期, 但我给了她一个星期的宽限. Payment is due today, but I gave her a week's grace, ie an extra week to pay
- n. 今日的门票收入将捐献给慈善事业. Today's gate will be given to charity
- 仓式定量给料机 cabin ration feeding machine
- v. 他不懂希腊文, 我主动给他翻译. He doesn't understand Greek, so I offered to translate
- n. 他不给我回信使我百思不解. that he hasn't replied to my letter
- v. 他以点数输给了冠军. He was outpointed by the champion
- v. 他们一直没给我回信, 叫人担心. It worries me that they haven't answered my letters
- adj. 他们不大可能给你钱,'他冷淡地说. dryness n [U]. They're not likely to give you money,' he remarked dryly. `
- n. 他们不太卖力气, 不过却也没给他们奖励. They don't try very hard, but then there's no incentive
- adj. 他们不痛痛快快把钱付给我. paying me
- n. 他们举办了一次音乐会, 把收入捐给了慈善机构. They gave a concert and donated the proceeds to charity
- adj. 他们付给我一笔50便士的巨款. They paid me the princely sum of 50p
- pron. 他们付给我的薪水不太高. The salary they pay me is none too high
- 他们受骗, 给了他一大笔钱. They were beguiled into giving him large sumsof money
- pron. 他们总是给我们很多东西吃. They always gave us plenty to eat