  • n.  具鳞出条, 有鳞芽的出条, 色鳞嫩枝   turion
  •   内外菌根   ectendotrophic mycorrhiza
  •   内部单根   Internal Single
  •   军功晋升制, 据资历提升   promotion by seniority
  • n.  军队、探险队等的)基地, 据地   place at which armed forces, expeditions, etc have their stores (
  •   减轻(痛苦, 负担, 紧张状态等);【商】(银)稍松, (价格)稍稍下跌   ease off
  •   凡尔根牌手表   Vulcain
  •   凭喜爱, 根据选择   for choice
  • n.  凳子, 搁脚凳, 厕所, 解大便, 座位, 便桶, 大便, 株, 生嫩苗, 子鸟歇息的树枝, 鸽, 垫凳, 内窗台, 情报, 粪便   stool
  •   出水通气根   pneumatophore
  •   分摩尔根   centimorgan
  • n.  切虫, 地老虎(夜蛾的幼虫).   any of various types of caterpillar that eat the stems of young plants near the ground
  • vt.  切除, 切去, 割去, 除   exsect
  • adj.  划线的, 多线的, 多纹的, 象一线的, 细弱的, 由线条构成的, 多线条的, 多纹路的, 多皱纹的   liny
  • n.  判例法(以过去的判例为据的法律). Cf 参看 common law (common1), statute law (statute).   law based on decisions made by judges in earlier cases
  • adj.  制定法律的, 以法律为据的   nomothetic