| - adj. 他坚定地追求自己的目标. He is unswerving in pursuit of his aims
- v. 他射出好几发子弹才击中目标. several bullets before hitting the target
- n. 他得意地领著他那标致的伴侣遛公园. promenader n He proudly promenaded his elegant companion in the park.
- n. 他打不中那样远的目标的. He won't hit the target at that distance
- v. 他把手中标枪握稳後掷了出去. He poised the javelin in his hand before throwing it
- n. 他斯卡尼人, 他斯卡尼语, 托斯卡纳人, 托斯卡纳话, 标准意大利语, 托斯卡纳语 tuscan
- n. 他生活的目标就是尽可能多挣钱. His one object in life is to earn as much money as possible
- n. 他的死标志著一个时代的结束. His death marked the end of an era
- adj. 他的目标不明确. His aim is uncertain
- v. 他的讲话文本得加上标点符号. The transcription of his speech must be punctuated
- n. 他认为衣著讲究是身分高贵的标志. He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility
- 他采取双重标准 it's all right for him to have affairs but not for her
- 令人满意; 超过通常的标准 above the mark
- v. 以...为标题,称为 intitule
- n. 以今天的标准而言, 那时候的人很穷. People were very poor then, by today's standards, ie compared with people today
- 以大写字母排版的标题 titles set in upper case