  • adj.  從期一至期五, 共五日   from Monday to Friday inclusive
  • prep.  從期二到期五一直呆在倫敦.   stay in London Tuesday thru Friday
  • adv.  從現在起一星期後.   a week hence, ie in a week from now
  •   從理論上講, 沒有理由認為人不能到火上去(儘管目前還做不到, 但卻是可能的).   There's no reason in principle why people couldn't travel to Mars, ie It is possible, though it has not yet been done
  • adv.  他一期、 半月等擦一次車.   He cleans the car once a week, a fortnight, etc, ie every week, every fortnight, etc
  •   他一星期換一個女人.   He goes with a different woman every week
  • prep.  他兩期以前離開了傢, 到現在我們一直沒有他的消息.   He left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since
  • v.  他為免被捕躲藏了幾個期.   He eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground
  • n.  他們從期一到期五從來都沒有時間去看電影.   They never have time to go to the cinema during the week
  • n.  他們從期一到期五都住在倫敦, 周末到郊外去.   They live in London during the week and go to the country at the weekend
  • n.  他們住到星期一上午.   They stayed till Monday morning
  • adv.  他們外出度假兩星期.   They're away on holiday for 2 weeks
  • n.  他們已有一個多期沒吃上熱東西了.   They hadn't tasted hot food for over a week
  • v.  他們錄製了第一張唱片, 一躍而入明行列.   They leapt to stardom with their first record
  • n.  他們期一相遇, 期五就結婚了.   They met on the Monday and were married on the Friday, ie on those days in a particular week
  •   他們經過幾個期的暗鬥之後, 彼此終於談開了.   After weeks of silent hostility they've at last had it out with each other