| - conj. 假使他赢了--是否能赢还是一大疑问--他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人. If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years
- vt. 做法国菜, 将肉排表面浅割或将荚菜豆切成纵条, 使从事舐淫或舐阴茎 french
- n. 僵持状态, 陷于困境, 胶著状况, 王棋受困, 将死, 僵持, 僵局, (下棋)和棋的局面, 相持不下的状态 stalemate
- n. 党内的不满情绪将导致更多的党员脱党. Discontent in the party will lead to further defections
- adj. 公主那时即将成婚, 人人都在首都等待这一盛典. The princess was getting married, and everyone was in town for the great occasion
- v. 公司冒险将产品削价出售, 结果赢利. The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off, ie was financially successful
- adj. 公司将实行`後来者先走'的原则. The firm will apply the principle of `last in, first out'.
- v. 公司将把总部迁往英格兰中部. The company is to relocate its headquarters in theMidlands
- v. 公司已将纪录存入计算机. The firm has computerized its records
- 公司的代表将前往贵处评估受损失的状况. We call in on a friend for a short time, often when we are on our way to somewhere else *call in on常指在前往某处的途中顺便到友人处短暂停留 A representative of the company will call on you to assess the damage.
- v. 公布结婚预告(教堂正式宣布即将结婚者的名单). the names of people who are soon to be married
- adv. 关于..., 将它, 它的, 由此, 因此, 属于它的, 关于它的, 它, 其, 在其中 thereof
- 具体音乐(将自然音响录制後重新改编而成者). music composed of natural sounds that are recorded and then rearranged
- vt. 养育, 抚养, 培养, 扶植, 鼓励, 促进, 怀抱, 将小孩委托养父母家, 饲, 喂, 助长, 抚育, 抱 foster
- vt. 再磨光, 将...再磨光, 再加润饰, 将...再擦亮 repolish
- 冒充包装(销售)[指将劣质商品包装成外观像名优产品出售的做法] copycat packaging