| - 奔驰牌汽车 Benz
- n. 奔驰(又译平治)牌. the Mercedes marque
- adj. 她伸开双臂朝他奔去. with ,arms out`spread
- v. 她沿路飞奔追赶他们. down the road after them
- n. 她被迫四处奔走求救於人, 但愿意帮她的人一个不如一个. She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last
- v. 孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑. The children were scampering around the garden
- v. 开闸放水,流出,冲洗,奔泻 sluice
- vi. 快走, 疾走, 迅速跑开, 溜走, 射出, 喷出, 奔驰, 迅速跑开 scoot
- vi. 急驰,飞奔 career
- n. 想像力的)奔放 of sth instance of sth very imaginative but usu not practical (
- n. 戊烷基, 戊基, 季戊炸药, 奔斯乃特, 奔梯耳 pentyl
- adj. 我们再也不能在一起工作了, 我看得各奔东西了. We can't work together any more; I think it's time we went our separate ways, ie parted
- v. 我整天忙个不停, 疲於奔命. I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted
- 戴姆勒-奔驰牌汽车 Daimler-Benz
- 投奔敌方, 投诚到我方(he had crossed over to the enemy. 他已投靠敌人。) cross over
- v. 投射, 疾走, 突进, 飞奔, 投掷 dart