| - n. 在工廠中受剝削的童工 child labour exploited in factories
- 在槍管外部切削出溝槽 Fluting
- n. 在邊緣或表面)打破或切削(某物) at the edge or surface (
- adj. 堅硬的, 象金屬絲的, 金屬綫的, 鐵絲似的, 韌的, 鐵絲製的, 瘦削而結實的, 金屬弦的, 削瘦而結實的, 金屬絲的, 金屬綫製的, 瘦長結實的, 尖細的 wiry
- 復製仿形切削 copying
- 外圓車削 cylindrical turning
- 多刀削片機 multi-knife chipper
- 多焰嘴火焰刨削機 multiple beam flame planing machine
- v. 大刀闊斧地削減(成本), 精簡(機構等) greatly reduce (costs, services, etc)
- v. 大幅度地削減費用、 價格、 數目 slash costs, prices, numbers
- v. 大幅度裁減或削減(某物) drastically
- n. 她講話中一再強調的就是需要削減開支. The leitmotiv of her speech was the need to reduce expenditure
- n. 學校對削減教育經費的激烈反應 the shocked reaction of schools to education cuts
- 宿植≡遄楹削 host pathogen combination
- adj. 對削減經費一事一律持反對態度. Reaction to the cuts was uniformly negative
- adj. 對我們的預算做的大幅度削減. savage cuts in our budget