| - vt. 为…削发, 剃 tonsure
- 乱砍[削] cut and carve
- 乳化切削油 emulsion cutting oil
- 乳化切削油 emulsified cutting oil
- v. 从某物表面削去或刮掉(薄薄的一层) from the surface of sth by cutting or scraping
- n. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者. He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators
- v. 他饥饿与疾病交加, 体质已削弱. Hunger and disease had weakened his constitution
- 以削球为主的战术 all cut
- 价格战(卖方在竞争中不断削价以吸引买主). situation in which competing sellers repeatedlyreduce their prices in order to attract buyers
- v. 任何事都不能削弱他的自信心[气焰]. pomposity, ie make him less self-assured or pompous
- v. 使...凹下, 塌陷, 使凹下, 凹进, 削弱 dent
- v. 使...弱, 变弱, 弄淡, 削弱 weaken
- v. 使...跛, 使...成残废, 削弱 cripple
- vt. 使士气低落, 使失去斗志, 削弱勇气, 使沮丧, 使意志消沉, (亦作demoralise) demoralize
- vt. 使弱, 削弱, 使衰减, 冲淡, 弄稀薄 weaken
- vt. 使残废, 使瘫痪, 削弱, 挫折 cripple