| - [谚]穷人总吃亏。 The poor must pay for all.
- [谚]谨慎为勇敢之本; 好汉不吃眼前亏。 D-is the better part of valour.
- [谚]谨慎为勇敢之本; 好汉不吃眼前亏。 D-is the better part of valor.
- 不再亏空; 赢利 be [get] out of the red
- adj. 不利的, 吃亏的, 诽谤的, 不便的 disadvantageous
- n. 丧失, 损耗, 损失, 遗失, 亏损, 失败, 输掉, 错过, 浪费, 伤亡, 伤亡及被俘人员, 减少, 降低, 废料, 丢失, 损失, 放过, 输, 伤亡 loss
- n. 为招徕顾客)亏本出售的商品. article sold at a loss to attract customers to buy other goods (
- n. 亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划! Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this
- 亏待;苛待 be hard done by
- 亏损病, 维生素(等)缺乏病 deficiency disease
- 亏本, 蚀本(出售) at a sacrifice
- 亏本交易 Bad bargain
- vt. 亏欠,负债,感恩 owed
- v. 亏欠,负债,感恩 owes
- 亏欠额 deficit
- 亏氢位反应 unsaturated-site reactions