| - [口]究竟是什么[谁, 为什么]...? Why the dickens ...?
- [口]究竟是什么[谁, 为什么]...? Who the dickens ...?
- [口]究竟是什么[谁, 为什么]...? What the dickens ...?
- [口]谁信你那一套! 我才不信呢! 胡说! Tell that [it] to the marines!
- [美]错综复杂, 谁也分解不开 enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer
- [美口]这是谁都说不准的事。 It is anyone's guess.
- [谑]大学者们意见分岐时, 谁来判定孰是孰非? Who shall decide when doctors disagree ?
- [谑]大学者们意见分岐时, 谁来判定孰是孰非? Who shall decide when doctors differ ?
- [谚]人总是会死的; 人生自古谁无死。 Man is mortal (=All men are mortal).
- [谚]谁出钱, 谁点戏(花钱的人有权左右一切)。 He who pays the piper, calls the tune.
- [谚]谁捡到归谁。 Findings keepings.
- [谚]谁捡到归谁。 Findings are keepings.
- pron. whosoever所有格,无论是谁的 whosesoever
- n. 下国际象棋谁也比不上她. No one can match her at chess
- 不管怎样[什么, 何时, 哪里, 谁]... no matter how [what, when, where, who]
- pron. 不管是谁,无论是谁 whoso