| - vt. (=hang one on sb.)猛击某人一拳, 给某人重重一击 hang one on
- (为给别人让位)挪一挪 ease up
- (事情)临到某人头上; (财产)遗留给某人 come to sb.
- (企业给予职工的)优厚的解聘金 golden handshake
- (卖出货物时)给足分量; [喻]给予充分的报酬 give full [good] measure
- (因匆忙或动作不灵)跌跤; 拼命赶; 渴望(for); [口]给弄糊涂了 fall over oneself
- (女人)拒绝求爱, 给碰钉子; 被解雇, 撵走 give sb. the mitten
- (对居民等)实行配给供应制 put on rations
- (工资以外)一切供给 all found
- (工资以外)一切供给 everything found
- (把所欠的债等)全部还给某人; 分摊财政负担; 缴纳应纳税款; 纳教区税 pay sb.'s scot and lot
- (指女方)与...订婚, 被许配给... be promised to
- (新郎于婚后第二天早上送给新娘的)晨礼(欧洲旧俗) morning gift
- (旧时英国)每户每年呈给罗马教皇的一便士献金; 天主教徒献给罗马教皇的年金 Peter's pence
- (旧时英国)每户每年呈给罗马教皇的一便士献金; 天主教徒献给罗马教皇的年金 peter pence
- (游戏时)丢手帕给某人要他追自己; [喻]中意某人, 接受对方的追求 throw the handkerchief to sb.