搭Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. &n.窃听或偷录, 窃听情报, 窃听装置, 搭线窃听, 窃听或偷录 wiretap
- (伸出翘起拇指的拳头向司机示意)要求搭车; 搭乘便车 thumb a lift
- (要求)搭乘顺路的车 thumb it
- [美]准许某人免费搭火车 chalk sb.'s hat
- [美俚]动身, 出发; 离开, 离去; 搭便车旅行; 当流浪汉; 当旅行推销员 hit the road
- [美俚]无票乘车, 偷搭火车 beat one's way
- vt.与…交搭 vi.重迭 overlap
- 三尖裤头搭咀 three pointed extension
- n. 下一轮比赛我和鲍勃搭档. in the next round of the competition
- vt. 与...交搭, 叠盖住, 部分相一致 overlap
- n. 与by accident是英语经常搭配的词组. Strong tea' and `by accident' are English collocations. strong tea
- adv. 与动词搭配的特殊用法见有关动词词条. ) part (For special uses with many vs, see the v entries
- adv. 与动词搭配的特殊用法见有关动词词条.) part (For special uses with vs, see the v entries
- 两纽搭扣束腰睡衣 pajamas with 2-button adjustable waistband
- 临时搭棚卖艺(表演马戏或杂技) put up a circus
- 临时搭棚卖艺(表演马戏或杂技) pitch a circus