| - (第二代)堂[表]兄弟姐妹 second cousin
- (表示親密的稱呼)老朋友, 弟兄們 my lads
- [俚]老兄, 老朋友 old top
- [俚]老朋友, 老兄; 老傢夥 old thing
- [英俚]老兄; 老傢夥 old bean
- 三兄弟[姊妹, 兒子]中的第二個 middle brother [sister, son]
- 三表(第三代的堂表兄妹) third cousin
- n. 亂倫, 血親相姦(如兄妹或父女之間). sexual intercourse betweenpeople who are too closely related to marry, eg brother and sister or father and daughter
- 親愛的朋友、 小夥子、 老兄、 姑娘、 妻子等 my dear fellow, chap, man, girl, woman, etc
- n. 他們兄弟倆的性情完全不同. The two brothers have entirely different temperaments
- adj. 他們兄弟看上去很相似. The brothers look very similar
- v. 他們弟兄的愛好大相徑庭. The brothers differ widely in their tastes
- adj. 他是我兩兄弟中年歲較大的. He is the elder of my two brothers
- n. 夥伴, 好朋友, 夥計, 同伴, 老兄, 小孩子, 同夥, 朋友, 搭檔, 密友 buddy
- 傳播流言蜚語和撒謊造謠是難兄難弟。 Gossiping and lying go together.
- v. 你一定是把我看成我的孿生兄弟了. You must be muddling me up with my twin brother