| - [口](人的外表)衣衫襤褸; 不修邊幅; 狼狽不堪 like something the car has brought[dragged]in
- [口]擱置起來, 撂到一邊 put in the cooler
- [口]碰也不想碰某人[某物], 根本不想同某人[某物]沾邊 wouldn't touch sb. with a 10-foot pole
- [口]碰也不想碰某人[某物], 根本不想同某人[某物]沾邊 wouldn't touch sth. with a barge-pole
- [口]象貓叼來的東西似的; 衣衫襤褸(指人的外表); 不修邊幅 like sth. the cat brought in
- [商]船邊交貨價格(縮寫為F.A.S或f.a.s) free alongside vessel
- [商]船邊交貨價格(縮寫為F.A.S或f.a.s) free alongside ship
- [海]盡量靠一邊 hard over
- [美, 口]呆在...的旁邊, 留在...旁邊 stay by
- [美](放在沙發等旁邊的)茶几 end table
- [美]大西洋的這一邊 on this side
- [美俚]以最低限度必不可少的錢財(經營企業、旅行等); 在貧睏邊緣; 以最低廉的價格 on the rims
- [英]舞臺左側(提詞人所站的一邊) prompt side
- [諺]上帝總是站在實力雄厚的軍隊一邊。 God is always on the side of the strongest battalions.
- [諺]你可以把馬牽到水邊, 但你無法強迫它飲水(意指有的事情必需本人自願, 強迫無濟於事); 老牛不喝水, 不能強按頭。 You may take a horse to water , but you can not make him drink.
- [諺]你可以把馬牽到水邊, 但你無法強迫它飲水(意指有的事情必需本人自願, 強迫無濟於事); 老牛不喝水, 不能強按頭。 You can take a horse to water , but you can not make him drink.