| - v. 為蒙受恥辱的原領導人恢復名譽. rehabilitate a disgraced former leader
- 樂意; 承蒙; 肯 be pleased to (do)
- n. 雲遮,遮暗,蒙蔽,神志不清 obnubilation
- n. 他一直蒙蔽著妻子(如與別的女人發生性關係). He's been giving his wife the run-around, eg sleeping with other women
- n. 他臨終是否曾蒙主感召?(尤指受到寬恕後行聖禮) Did he die in a state of grace? ie strengthened and inspired by God, esp after having been pardoned and given the Sacraments
- n. 他聽到那消息後感到頭髮蒙. at the news
- v. 他最近去世了, 這給家庭聚會蒙上了陰影. His recent death overshadowed the family gathering
- adj. 他用面具把臉蒙得嚴嚴的. The mask fitted tightly over his face
- n. 他的衣服蒙上了灰塵. His clothes were covered with dirt
- n. 他羞愧得用手把臉蒙住. He was so ashamed that he hid his face in his hands
- abbr. 代表J·E·西蒙茲(例如本人不在場而由秘書代簽者). pp J E Symonds, eg signed by his secretary in his absence
- adj. 企圖蒙蔽報界的人為事件. a contrived incident intended to mislead the newspapers
- adj. 似薄膜的, 薄膜的, 如薄膜的, 極薄的, 薄膜形成的, 蒙着薄霧的, 朦朧的, 陰霾的, 薄而透明的, 象軟片的, 薄的 filmy
- n. 住於美國西部的蒙古人種之一種族,其語言 kalmuck
- n. 佛蒙特, 佛蒙特(美國), 佛蒙特州 vermont
- v. 使...丟臉, 使...蒙羞, 屈辱, 羞辱, 使丟臉, 恥辱 humiliate