  • n.  兩黨領導人間的摩. Cf 參看 pitched battle (pitch2).   a skirmish between the two party leaders
  • vt.  亂塗,勾抹掉,,,搔,抓,挖出   scratch
  • n.  仍須解决的衝突和摩.   conflicts and frictions that have still to be resolved
  • adj.  從某物上將他物刷掉、 颳掉、 掉等   off sth remove sth from sth by brushing, scraping, wiping, etc
  • adv.  他一星期、 半月等一次車.   He cleans the car once a week, a fortnight, etc, ie every week, every fortnight, etc
  • prep.  他們這幅畫時發現下面有一幅霍爾拜因的作品.   When they cleaned up the painting they discovered a Holbein underneath
  • v.  他忙著擦鞋.   He was busily employed in cleaning his shoes
  • n.  他把桌面擦得很亮.   He had polished the table-top until it gleamed
  • n.  他用發臘擦頭髮.   He smothers his hair with grease, eg hair-oil
  • n.  他用海綿把汽車上的洗滌劑掉了.   He sponged down the car to remove the shampoo
  • n.  他的膝蓋傷後十分疼痛.   His knee stung from the graze
  • n.  他的鞋總是得乾乾淨淨.   His shoes were always well polished
  • n.  他跪在地上洗(起來).   He's down on his knees, scrubbing (away).
  • v.  以鼻子輕觸或輕(某人[某物])   gently with the nose
  •   傳動摩擦盤   drive friction plate
  • v.  低得幾乎樹籬而過的子彈   a missile which flies so low that it almost grazes the tops of the hedgerows