| - vt. 不顧, 使...無效, 藐視, 拒絶, 製服, 凌駕, 壓倒, 推翻, 踐踏, 把馬騎得過纍, 對...驅使過度, 使過量負載, 奔越過, 騎馬橫越, 將重疊起來, 濫用, 取而代之, 給代理人佣金, 凸出, 上升, 無視, 蔑視, 蹂躪, 不考慮 override
- 東奔西跑, 到處碰壁 from pillar to post
- n. 為獲自由、 遮掩處而急奔 to make a dash for freedom, shelter
- adj. 亂衝、 狂奔 a mad dash, rush, etc
- vi. 倉皇奔逃, 匆匆跑走, 急促地跑, 急忙撤退 scuttle
- n. 他告訴我他的妻子與他最好的朋友私奔這件傷心事. He told me a real sob-story of how his wife had gone off with his best friend
- v. 他和他的學生私奔了. Heeloped with one of his students
- n. 他拚命奔跑去追趕公共汽車. He ran like fury to catch the bus
- n. 他沿著跑道騎馬奔馳. He galloped the horse along the track
- n. 他沿街飛奔而去. down the street
- adj. 他熱情奔放, 吻了我的雙頰. he kissed me on both cheeks
- v. 他熱情奔放. He diffuses enthusiasm all around him
- n. 他騎著馬飛奔而去. He rode off at a gallop
- 使某人疲於奔命; 給某人造成許多麻煩 lead sb. a pretty dance
- vt. 使洶涌奔騰,急放 surge
- v. 兒童及某些小動物)奔跑, 蹦蹦跳跳 run quickly and often playfully as children and some small animals do (