| - [美口]啊, 原來如此; 這就揭開了謎底。 That accounts for the milk in the cocoa -nut[coconut]
- [美口]豈有此理! 噯呀! 我的天啊! (表驚奇、憤怒) For crying out loud!
- [謔]唷, 別那麽兇啊! Well, don't eat me!
- int. 萬歲, (表示高興、贊成的歡呼聲)好啊, 好哇! hurrah
- adj. 不幸的小夥子啊, 他剛剛死了妻子. Poor chap, his wife has just died
- int. 主,天啊 lord
- n. 親愛的! 你來到這裏多讓人高興啊! My darling! How sweet of you to come
- 他小提琴拉得多好啊. How well he plays the violin
- adj. 你今天滿面春風啊! You're very bright and breezy today!
- 你已經吃過午飯了嗎? 現在纔12點鐘啊! Have you finished lunch already? It's only 12 o'clock!
- n. 你想想, 我們在那裏看見她時, 是多麽吃驚啊. Imagine our surprise on seeing her there
- v. 你等了很久了嗎?'`是啊, 等了20分鐘了.' twenty minutes.' `
- adj. 你身體怎樣?'`啊, 還不錯, 多謝!' How are you feeling?' `Oh, not so dusty, thanks!' `
- n. 醫生在哪兒啊?'他呻吟著問. Where's the doctor?' he moaned. `
- n. 嘆詞, 感嘆語(如`啊!'`好哇!'或`看在老天爺的面上!'). word or phrase used as an exclamation (eg Oh!, Hurray! or For goodness sake)
- 聽啊, 好哇! 說得對! (表示贊同人傢的發言; 有時帶有諷刺的意思) H-!H-!