  • adj.  仍未答覆的舊信件.   old correspondence still unattended to
  • adj.  仍欠5英鎊.   is still owing
  • adv.  然, 更, 靜止地, , 還, (儘管如此)然, 依舊, 愈, 還要, 儘管如此, 依然, 靜止畫面, 靜態圖片   still
  •   仍然,照樣的   all the same
  • n.  然抱著黨性教條的陳詞濫調不放的年邁的政治傢.   elderly politicians still clinging to the outmoded shibboleths of party doctrine
  •   仍然,依舊   none the less
  • adj.  留在巢中的, 生活在其他禽類巢中的, 孵後在巢中停留一個時期的, 生活在其它禽類窠裏的   nidicolous
  • n.  須解决的衝突和摩擦.   conflicts and frictions that have still to be resolved
  • v.  他一跑了之, 耳邊回響著他們的冷嘲熱諷.   He ran off, their jeers ringing in his ears
  •   他仍忙著做維修工作.   He is still at work on the restoration
  • adj.  他然不能用英語表達自己的意思.   He is still unable to express himself in English
  • adj.  他仍盼望她能來信.   is still hoping for a letter from her
  •   他仍須服兵役.   He still has to do his military service
  • v.  他們不顧農民反對, 繼續進行農業改革.   They persisted with the agricultural reforms, despite opposition from the farmers
  • v.  他們不顧我的抗議繼續開會.   They overrode my protest and continued with the meeting
  • n.  他們為什麽要做此事我莫名其妙.   Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me